My name is Vlad Turian. Friends call me “Tury” and I strongly believe that:
“The day we stop exploring is the day we become poorer.”
Do you know that thrilling feeling that you get when you have a task that includes some degree of investigation work?
A task that doesn’t lay before you?
A task that you haven’t already implemented in your head and just waiting to transform it into executable code?
A task that takes you on a different path than the one you were used to?
Or can you remember that feeling when you investigated a challenging bug?
A bug so well hidden or sneaky that made you try several approaches until you cornered it.
A bug that puts a fight before succumbing to the power of the Developer?
Well, I, for one, love that feeling.
I love the feeling of being challenged.
I love the feeling of exploration.
I very much like the fact that working on a certain task may include digging deep into some framework inner.
Exploring almost always results in doing things with passion and, as a colleague of mine once said, if something is worth doing, then it is worth doing with passion.
Exploring also kills the feeling of being stuck and helps one expand his knowledge, his circle of influence and without a doubt, his self-confidence.
Nobody knows everything, but our duty is to explore!
This being said let me offer you a warm welcome on this journey of exploring webMethods.
What you can expect to find in this blog: tutorials, how to’s, exploring of new or old webMethods functionalities and components, bits of advice.
Who am I aside from a webMethods Technical designer with 6+ years of experience?
Well, I am a 30+ guy, proud father, with the following hobbies:
- History – especially WW2
Because I do believe that we should know the errors of the past to not repeat them.
Also, a Romanian Historian put this in the following words: “A nation that doesn’t know its history is like a child that doesn’t know his parents!” (Nicolae Iorga)
- Football – and by Football I mean Soccer
And my favorite soccer team is Bayern Munchen.
I like the fact that they fight until the last whistle. As an old football motto puts it: “You know you have defeated the Germans only when they board the plane. Not before!”
- Half-Hour comedies
And my favorites are these guys below. I have watched every episode multiple times.
So if you see me making “Friends” references, you will know why 🙂
Be sure to check the Blog section for new content!