Coding Guidelines in webMethods IS – Part 5

Coding Guidelines in webMethods IS – Part 5

Integration Server
Hello, my dear readers and welcome back. Today we release number 5 of the series and let me tell you something: I like the number 5. Why?   Maybe because I was born on a 5. Or maybe because in some school grading systems 5 is the maximum grade. Also in the ones where 10 is the maximum grade, 5 means you passed. Or maybe it is just because I used to listen to Lou Bega and his Mambo No. 5 in my teenage years.   Whatever the reason might be, let's make this post a great one.   Last time we talked about performance improvements with special emphasis on caching, audit logging and pipeline management.   Today we will finish the performance topics because, well, nobody likes stuff half-done.…
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Coding Guidelines in webMethods IS – Part 2

Coding Guidelines in webMethods IS – Part 2

Integration Server
Hello and welcome to the second part of the Coding Guidelines series. Don't worry if you missed the first part (Naming Conventions). You can always find it here.   I have to say there is a lot of pressure for me to write this blog post mainly because "Second parts almost always suck". Want an example? Mission: Impossible II has the lowest IMDB score of all its series. That is valid also for Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. And there are many other examples out there. But then I think: the first part was the Naming Conventions, which by its nature is very formal and borderline bureaucratic. I CAN top that! So take your seats because we are rolling the second installment of the Coding Guidelines…
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