How to check your Integration Server’s performance

How to check your Integration Server’s performance

Integration Server
My dear readers, Welcome to 2019. It has been a while since my last published post, but I am back and ready to... rumbleeeee.... (I mean explore :) ). I wish you a great year full of happiness, joy, health and, of course, exploring. Let me give you an advice: Build a process for the work/topics/areas that you consider important. Without a process in place, it is so easy to get side-tracked and caught-up in other stuff. If you want to write a blog post, set an appointment in your calendar and stick to it. No excuses. If you want to work on your side project, set aside regularly a couple of hours of uninterrupted work. Without this, your side projects (whatever these might be) will only get the leftover…
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Web Services – Headers and Handlers (Part II)

Web Services – Headers and Handlers (Part II)

Integration Server
Hi everybody and welcome back to wm-explorer. Wow. So it's 2018. I wanted to start this post with "It has been a year since my last post", but it's too early in the year for such cheesy jokes, right? Yeah, I thought so. The early 2000s seem so far away: no Facebook, no Instagram, Google was barely starting its dominance. Yet these were the years that marked the start of web services. So, without further ado, let's dive in into the second part of the "Web Services - Headers and Handlers" talk. If you did not catch the first part, I recommend checking it out here, before you start reading this blog post. But, if you are in a hurry and do not have time for that let me just sum…
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Web Services – Headers and Handlers (Part I)

Web Services – Headers and Handlers (Part I)

Integration Server
Hello everybody and welcome to a new round of exploring.   The Christmas holidays (if you are celebrating) are just over so I thought it would be a good idea to talk about something that has also been around for a long time: web services. Obviously, they haven't been around as long as Christmas but I bet that you have to spend some time trying to remember when you first used web services. So, before we dive into the serious stuff, let’s check some interesting web services trivia: The standardization of the web services started in 2002 by W3C. The 3 major concepts from the initial specification are WSDL (Web Services Description Language), SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration). Remember UDDI? Don’t worry. Very…
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How to start blogging – a real life example

How to start blogging – a real life example

Hello everybody and welcome to the world of webMethods, which I hope we can explore together. As a disclaimer, I have to let you know that this post is not related to webMethods. I will tackle webMethods topics starting with the next post (which will be a comparison between Standard and Indexed Task Searches). This post is about the journey that has led me to this point where I have started my blog. It was a long way, but don’t despair as I will not bore you with every little detail.   The Start So how did all start...Well, I was born in, went too far back, right? Let’s try again: So I was in high school and….damn...still too far back. Ok then. Let’s try again. How did I start…
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